Much thanks to all of our readers for the support you gave us in the Walk for Babies!! Our team raised almost $2500.00, most of which was pledged to Emily herself!! We will write the blog about that special day on a later date. I will say that Emily did do some walking this time. In fact, Emily does a lot of walking these days, she also does a lot of running...and climbing...and jumping (well, sort of). I will write more about the 25 lbs and 32 inches of rompin' stompin' toddler dynamite in another blog, for now I am going to write about something a little more specific.
Those of you who know me, know that I am a total Olympics freak. I LOVE the Olympics and everything about them...summer, winter... it doesn't matter. I love all of the sports and will watch whatever they broadcast. I have watched hours of curling, shooting, biathlon, equestrian, fencing, bobsled, luge, skeleton, rowing: it doesn't matter, if it is Olympics, I'll watch it. It appears that I have influenced Emily in some way. You see, she has also been paying close attention to the Olympics, especially the diving. When the divers raise their arms over their heads, so does Emily. When they twist and turn, so does Emily. When they enter the water, she screams her approval and starts to clap. She also really enjoys the gymnastics and has developed a bit of a daredevil streak. She will stand on the ottoman, or her high chair and "leap" into our laps while screaming her new battle cry, "Buddaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" She has great fun doing this and Christa & I are always terrified, but we enjoy it too. I know that we are both concerned as to where this will lead, as she gains more control of her body, and actually learns how to jump.
There is much much more to write, but I am reeeeeeeaaaaallllllly out of practice so I must pace myself. Here is a super cute picture and video to tide you over. (Yes...she is playing buddaaaahhh in a pink tu-tu in the picture. Who wouldn't?)
We have titled this video "Buddaaaaaaaahhhh."
You'll have to watch the video to discover why. The video runs for 2 minutes and 29 seconds.