Monday, February 19, 2007

Seeing Red. . .

OK, it has taken me a little bit to get to posting about last weekend. This is partly because we needed to wait for some pictures to be developed (yes, from time to time we still use film!!), partly waiting for some pictures to be emailed, and partly because, let's face it, I'm lazy.

So, let me 'splain, no no there's too much, let me sum up. Saturday was the much anticipated S.I.L.O. event and as you can see, Emily was thrilled. She had a special red outfit for the event, as it was the day before Chinese New Year. As you can see from the photo, her hood still had some pink in it so she felt comfortable wearing it. Emily was looking forward to meeting several letterboxers that she had heard so much about, and also filling up her logbook with exchanges. It turns out that she came down with several cases of cooties, all of which quickly cleared up due in part to the many vaccinations she received two weeks ago. We all really enjoyed the time at the gathering and were really happy to meet so many new faces and get reacquainted with some old ones. Emily was just a little disappointed; however, that there was no Champagne toast, like the last New Year's party she went to.

On Friday, Emily got to see her Grandpa Jerry again because he was in town for Christa's birthday. He was really impressed to see just how much she has grown. Emily was very jealous of the massage that her Mommy got, but really enjoyed her dinner at the Mill Rose Brewery.

Sunday, was just a run of the mill day. Emily ran several errands and then spent the rest of the day cleaning her room and helping Daddy clear the ice off of the driveway with the glorious sunny weather. Her Grandma Kathy and Auntie Mandy also stopped by for a visit. She had lots of fun listening to Billy Joel and dancing with her Auntie Mandy.

The Princess in her carriage getting ready to make her grand entrance into the gathering.

Emily got to meet a couple of letterboxers that have been keeping close tabs on her through the blog, Wisconsin Hiker & Martini Man.

We celebrated a lot of things at the gathering. . .2 birthdays (Christa's and "Big Brat's") 2 births (Emily and "Big Brat's" baby "Sweet Pea" who was born 6 days after Emily), 1 engagement (Congrats and Best Wishes to Atom 118 & Coffee Beans) and Chinese New Year (hence all the red for good luck).

All of the celebrating wore Emily out, that and the ambush of 9 cootie viruses.

Look at all of the letterboxers that came to the gathering. Quite a bunch for a "small" gathering.

Part of the decorations was an American Girl Doll donning Chinese garb and the Chinese Dragon from Christa's classroom.

On Sunday, Grandma Kathy and Auntie Mandy came to visit. When they arrived they had the "extra" birthday cake in a small canvas bag. Dropping off the "extra" cake left the bag empty. . . we found out the true purpose of the bag as they were getting ready to leave. Baby Theives!!

Emily was the perfect size to fit into Grandma Kathy's empty canvas bag.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Today marked the milestone of being 2 Months Old for Emily! Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of the lack of effort she is putting into her job search. It seems that all she wants to do is eat and sleep. I am a little concerned that she is working on becoming a real deadbeat. On the plus side, because she is currently unemployed she was able to go out several times during the snow storm yesterday to shovel the sidewalk and driveway for her Daddy. I don't think that she would have done that unless her Mommy made her though, if Emily had her way she would have sat on the couch all day watching her "stories" while her Mommy slaved away doing laundry and generally cleaning house (she is a saint I tell ya!). I am hoping that during the coming months she becomes less of a shiftless layabout and really contributes to the family dynamic.

On a completely seperate note, Emily is really looking forward to her second letterboxing event this weekend. We will be celebrating Chinese New Year and she has put together an all red outfit just for the occasion. It is a real departure from her signature color, but sometimes you just gotta go with the theme. Christa is very excited at Emily's interest in Chinese New Year because artistically it is one of Christa's favorites. I am not sure if it is because sometimes in the morning I look like a dragon.

Emily would like to tell everyone to check out the link to our Cafepress Store on the sidebar, all proceeds will go to the Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Little Perspective . . .

Yesterday, Emily had her third doctor's appointment. Emily's doctor was very happy with how she is growing and her overall health and development. Emily was not happy with the doctor; however, as this was the appointment when she recieved her vaccinations (which came in the form of one oral, which she didn't mind, and four shots, which she did mind).

The really big news we discovered at this appointment is just how big Emily is, as she approaches the ripe old age of two months (this big day is on Valentine's Day). I suppose that I could just break the suspense right now and tell you how big she is, but that wouldn't be any fun and let's face it, you know I am going to have fun with this. . .

The following things weigh more than Emily: African Elephant, 8000 lbs; Volkswagon Beetle, 1786 lbs; Statue of Liberty, 450,000 lbs; Freight Train, 16,000,000 lbs (that one is for Grandpa); a Newfoundland dog, 130 - 150 lbs; a million one dollar bills, 2200 lbs (though I suppose the weight would be the same regardless of denomination); Emily's stroller, 19 lbs; Emily's car seat with the base, 12.64 lbs.

Some things that weigh less than Emily: Toy poodle, 5 - 7 lbs; gallon of water, 8.34 lbs; one dollar bill, .002205 lbs; ream of 8.5 x 11 paper (ream, ream, ream!!!), 5 lbs; hockey puck, 6 oz; "C" battery, 2.36 oz; cup of sugar, 7 oz; Emily's car seat without the base, 7.24 lbs.

So now you are probably wondering what Emily weighs. I just want to take a moment to discuss how rude you are being by inquiring what a woman's weight is, I mean really, how would you like it if the entire world could find out how much you weigh just by looking on the internet. That's right, you wouldn't think it was so terrific, and here you are chomping at the bit to find out how big this sweet innocent little girl is. This also smacks of a violation of the HIPAA rules. . . did Emily consent to this invasion of her privacy? Well, I guess none of that really matters, Emily weighs, drumroll please............... 10 lbs 5 oz!!

Now you are probably wondering how long, or "tall" is Emily? Well that question is best answered photographically...

Emily is taller than a clock.

She is about the same height as her Grandma Kathy's antique radio.

She is not quite tall enough to reach the table while sitting on a chair.

She is taller than a sewing machine.

She is about the same height as Joseph's ivy.

She is taller than this little lady.

She is smaller than one of Auntie Mandy's shoes. . .

. . . but taller than the Eiffel Tower.

She is also much taller than a can of Canada Dry Ginger Ale.

Now that we've put everything into perspective, she is 22.25 inches tall (almost 2 feet, well, not Auntie Mandy's feet).

Monday, February 5, 2007

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Gail Lumet Buckley once said, "Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future. We make discoveries about ourselves."

This is especially true when I look at Emily. This picture of her was taken while we were still in the hospital. It is amazing how much she looks like me. When I look at her, it's like I'm looking in a mirror to the past. The pictures below are side-by-side shots comparing Emily & me, and also me and my mother Kathy. I look just like my mother, too. She does have her Daddy's pretty blue eyes, in fact I think that hers may even be bluer than his. I think that she also got his dirty-blond hair color, although he seems convinced that her hair is going to be brown. She definately has my sneeze, let's hope that she didn't get all of my allergies.

Compare these photos to the one above, of Emily. Eerie, isn't it?

Even our profiles are identical.

Identical round bellies.

I look more and more like my mother as time goes by. . .

When I was little, I found this picture of my mother and was convinced that it was a picture of me. It wasn't until I saw the date printed at the bottom of the picture that I realized who it was.

Only time will tell, if Emily will continue to look like me, and her grandmother. It will definately be fun to watch. I really look forward to discovering more about her and her personality. She spends more and more time awake every day and it is fun to watch her discover new things. She really likes looking around, especially at ceiling fans and lights (which is a good thing considering how often she sees the flash bulb of a camera).

Thursday, February 1, 2007

The Many Faces of Emily

OK, I realize that given the title of this particular entry, you may think that Emily is either two-faced, or beginning to exhibit signs of multiple personalities. The jury is still out on the multiple personalities, you really have to see her during the day and then very late at night, or early in the morning depending on how you look at things. I am pretty sure that she is not two-faced, she seems pretty honest so far, though at times she is a big faker.

The reason behind the title is the simple fact that Emily likes to make faces, ALL the time. Even when she is asleep she is constantly making faces. (Her Grandma B has a great video of this on her digital camera.) She does a wicked Elvis, which unfortunately we have yet to capture on film. She has begun to smile at people other than her Daddy, now its not just gas. She yawns so big sometimes I think she could swallow my head, she has such a big mouth & such a little head. She often has a look of serious concentration, I am pretty sure that is when she is filling diapers for her Aunt Mandy to change. She has also recently discovered her tongue. She is really becoming quite the entertainer. We often wonder what's going on in her head while she's making each face. Maybe this will provide some insight.

I'm cute & I know it.

One Sheep, Two Sheep, Three Sheep, Four Sheep . . .

Hmmm, I wonder what's for breakfast. . .

Yep, Aunt Sandy is definately over-indulgent.

Pose for the camera, Smile. . . oh wait! Look over there, there's something shiny!

I wonder when my teeth will come in so I can have some chocolate cake.

I see you looking at me. Too cute to ignore, huh?

Hee-Hee-Hee, I crack myself up!

Ooohhhh, Aaaaahhhh, Ceiling Fan!

What is with this stupid hat? Haven't they figured out by now that I HATE hats?

Wow, my Daddy is really tall. . . I wonder when I'll be that tall. . .

"Oh yeah, don't forget to clean behind my ears, Dad."

Not another picture! Did my agent sign this contract? I want to renegotiate!!!

See what I mean about her yawn?

You could fit a Volkswagon in there, right in front of her tonsils.