I let Emily do that typing for two reasons: one, to show everyone how smart she is (look at how cleverly she created her own language), and two, it was easier than trying to keep her from getting to the keyboard. Emily is getting very strong and it is getting very hard to keep her from getting whatever she is after. She is very determined once she sets her sites on something and goes at it with every ounce of muscle available to her. The only way to deter her is to move the item of interest to where she can no longer see it. This new habit of hers has us dreading the day she begins to crawl, and judging by her recent efforts, it won't be long.
Well the title of this post is, 7 Months Old, so let's talk about that . . . Emily is now 7 Months Old. There you go, that was really easy, see ya in a couple of days . . . though I suppose I could talk a little about the weekend. On Friday, Emily spent some time with Grandma B while Christa & I went to see the new Harry Potter movie. After the movie, we went to Babies R Us to get Emily something to play with in her new carseat (yes, we said new carseat . . . she's already outgrown her "baby bucket" because she's so tall.), because her old carseat toys have nowhere to attach on the new seat. Emily also had the experience of eating while sitting in her new high chair! She really liked sitting at the table and being able to see more than just our legs. After Emily finished her meal of oatmeal & formula, we all went to dinner with Grandma Kathy & Auntie Mandy.
Saturday was Emily's official 7 Month birthday and we celebrated by going to her swimming lesson. This lesson started out well, Emily was happy and kicking and splashing and having a great time. Unfortunately, during an exercise that had Emily on her stomach kicking her feet, she sneezed, this thrust her face into the water, which she was not expecting at all. From that point forward she was not happy, in fact, during portions of the rest of the lesson she was actually crying. Thankfully she did not seem to blame me for this incident and we remained on good terms. After our lesson it was time to get her official 7 Month portrait taken. This was really fun because Emily's interest in sitting still was very low. The photographer had to act very fast to get any pictures at all because she was looking around at everything. The item that had her interest the most was the rolling tripod the camera was on. More specifically, it was the tripod wheel closest to her which had her leaning forward and almost falling out of the bean bag chair she was on. After pictures, Emily spent the night at Grandma Kathy's house to give Mommy & Daddy a bit of a break.
Sunday brought with it another visit to Great Bob. Emily really does seem to enjoy her time at Great Bob's. Whenever he moved around she followed him with her eyes with great interest. No matter where Emily was, or who she was with, her head was turned to look at him. I guess that for Emily, Great Bob truly is great. After our visit with Great Bob, we did some shopping and then went to Grandma and Grandpa B's for dinner. We all enjoyed a delicious meal and went home to get some rest to start the new week.
The photographer managed to snap a couple of really cute shots like this one, when Emily took a moment to sit still, that is. She was all over the place, investigating her surroundings. She'll be crawling soon, we bet.
This is a comparison of Emily in her carseat(s) over the last 7 months. The first picture is Emily in the hospital when Daddy was testing out the carseat to make sure that he knew what to do when we got downstairs to the car. (She was soooo tiny!) The second picture is Emily in her old carseat, the day after we bought her new carseat. (Look how BIG she has gotten!) The last picture is Emily in her new Big Girl carseat. (Look how much more room she has now!) I'm hoping that if you click on this picture, you'll see it a little better; however, that doesn't always work, so don't hold me to it.
"Look, Mommy! I'm eating my oatmeal in my Big Girl chair!"
"Auntie Mandy, would you please stop wiggling your toes, I'm trying to eat!
"Wow, Auntie Mandy, did you know that these strings tasted so good?"
She wouldn't stop looking at Great Bob. Even when she was playing with Daddy, she kept looking in the corner at Great Bob's chair and smiling at him.
(See what I was talking about. That cute face is just a cover.)
Emily & her Great Bob
Emily, always the wiggleworm, was having so much fun with Great Bob. She wouldn't stop wiggling and he was struggling to hold on to the strong little baby that Emily has become.
You can see how much she was reorienting herself during the time that Great Bob was holding her. Here she is gently rubbing Great Bob's cheek.
By the time she was done sitting with Great Bob, that's exactly what she was doing. She was sitting on the chair next to him. She pushed him over with all of her wiggling and settled into the empty space that had been created.
Another flashback to tiny Emily. . . This was her first visit with Great Bob; she was only 8 days old & very tiny.
OMG, I haven't seen her in soooo long!!! She's just so adorable! Looks like she's having a heluvatime chewimg on that tasty, pink sweatshirt string! She's just the cutest thing ever, and I'm sure she'll be reading (listening to you read) Harry right along with you!
Oh gosh! She is getting to be such a big girl! I love the top picture with the sunglasses and the sandals. So cute!
Oh my gosh! It's Sunny! You know, from the Lemony Snicket books. Look at those sharp teeth and what she's written. Coincidence? I think not.
I bet she's even a huge help in the kitchen. *nodding*
To Aunt S. . .Emily assures you that she is the same kid and to prove her point, she says this:
jaljdfla szjdojopn OOL lljjooem fooeuo
She says that you will understand. All she says is that it pertains to the night she spent with you and "The Godfather", but that's all she would tell us.
To Ryan. . .it's funny you say that because we do from time to time call her, Lemony. It is, however, generally in reference to a sour mood as opposed to the novels. Although sometimes we call her that because it's fun.
Hey, I think Ryan is onto something... I think Emily is an alias and she is really Sunny hiding out with you to escape the evil Count Olaf. Does she say "Gack!"? Based on her comments on this blog, it sure seems like she is talking like Sunny... and she does seem to have a pretty sunny disposition based on all those cute photos.
Wisconsin Hiker
P.S. I like the new family photo and blog border!
Emily! You promised you wouldn't tell your parents anything about the incident with the... oh, never mind. As long as they didn't understand you were referring to the fact that we let you go water skiing...
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