Well, we are there. The last summer weekend before I return to the grindstone on Monday...students show up on Wednesday, and Fine Arts classes begin on Thursday. That was quick! It's also bittersweet. It will be very nice to get back down to the usual routine, but I'll miss the daily routine with the kids. They are fun to watch, very entertaining. Daddy will busy at the Thomas the Tank Engine of Evil event at the Illinois Railway Museum for the next two weekends, so we won't be able to do any family time fun this weekend. Boo! Oh well, I guess Labor Day weekend is right around the corner.
Emily and I went to sign her up for preschool today. She was very well behaved and smiling a lot while I was filling out the paperwork. So much so, that the receptionist commented that her name of Emily Joy is very fitting, as she is so smiley. She is excited about going to school, and will be attending classes 2 nights a week. Yep, NIGHT SCHOOL!! So cool!! This new preschool class is the perfect solution to our crazy family. Steve no longer will have to get up super early to get EVERYONE ready and loaded into the van to drop her off and then start all over again to go back to pick her up. She can go in the evening, when there is another pair of hands at home to drive her. This is a win/win situation. Yay!!! Between her preschool, her weekly Library date with Mama Kathy (& Auntie Mandy), and gymnastics, she should be pretty busy.
We also got the pool out again, so the kids could splash around for a little while, but mostly because Emily has been longing for her pool since the last time we were out there, and asks us every day if she can play in it. However, because of the pleuthera of mosquitos and the cooler temps, we weren't out there for long. Charlie had the chance to debut his brand new (and nicely fitting) big boy trunks. No more saggy bottom for our boy, he is super styling now in his Spiderman trunks.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Since last logging into Blogger, they have made quite a few changes to their blog possibilities, so I have given the blog a much needed facelift. I hope you like it. I might be tinkering with it off and on as I get used to things. Another change is that there's a new sheriff in town, yep...CHRISTA is taking over as the main voice on the blog. I'm sure you'll all hear from Steve too, from time to time, but I am initiating this, so I'm going to do a majority of the blogging.
What's going on with us right now? Well, the triplets (we're trying to stop referring to them as the babies, since they're 2 now) are still trying to transition to toddler beds. Naptime is always an adventure as they (mostly Meghan) find new and different ways to foil our best attempts to keep them all safe. Emily is still doing her thing, although I see preschool as a definite possibility for her this fall...on the horizon. We'll keep our fingers crossed that things work out how we'd hope. Steve is now a licensed Massage Therapist and will be looking for a part time gig, once my school schedule gets ironed out. That's it in a nutshell, I suppose.
Again, I don't know how much I'll update this, probaby as often as I have something to say, or as often as the kids give me material to write about.
I will be posting a few pictures on here, but Facebook will continue to be my main outlet for photos.
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