Wednesday, August 17, 2011


For awhile I have been thinking that it's time to revive the blog. Yes, we have Facebook these days, and for those of you who know us there, you know that we do quite a bit of updating about the kids on there. However, there is no real way to save those updates for future use, so once they're out there, they're gone again. I want a more concrete way to remember the daily anecdotes and milestones. Therefore, I am reviving the blog. I'm not sure how much I'll update it, especially once the school year starts next week, but I'm going to try. Emily has lots of memories saved for her on this blog, and it's about time that the triplets did as well.

Since last logging into Blogger, they have made quite a few changes to their blog possibilities, so I have given the blog a much needed facelift. I hope you like it. I might be tinkering with it off and on as I get used to things. Another change is that there's a new sheriff in town, yep...CHRISTA is taking over as the main voice on the blog. I'm sure you'll all hear from Steve too, from time to time, but I am initiating this, so I'm going to do a majority of the blogging.

What's going on with us right now? Well, the triplets (we're trying to stop referring to them as the babies, since they're 2 now) are still trying to transition to toddler beds. Naptime is always an adventure as they (mostly Meghan) find new and different ways to foil our best attempts to keep them all safe. Emily is still doing her thing, although I see preschool as a definite possibility for her this fall...on the horizon. We'll keep our fingers crossed that things work out how we'd hope. Steve is now a licensed Massage Therapist and will be looking for a part time gig, once my school schedule gets ironed out. That's it in a nutshell, I suppose.

Again, I don't know how much I'll update this, probaby as often as I have something to say, or as often as the kids give me material to write about.

I will be posting a few pictures on here, but Facebook will continue to be my main outlet for photos.


Wisconsin Hiker said...

Glad to see the revival! I prefer blogs over FB. Your new design looks great.

Mama Taffy said...

Yay! The blog is back! I LOVE the blog and my silly grandkids!