Grandpa Jerry was having a lot of fun playing on the floor with Emily. He was looking for blocks, cups, basically anything that would stack, to build towers for Emily to knock over. Emily was having a lot of fun knocking over the towers that Grandpa was building for her. We would all cheer when she knocked down the tower, and who doesn't like applause? In fact, she was also having fun toying with Grandpa Jerry . . . she didn't always knock down the tower after he finished building it. Sometimes, she would "read" a book first, or play with some other toys, before going over to knock over Grandpa's tower. Other times she would pretend that she was getting ready to knock down the tower. She would reach her arm out, touch the tower, wait for us to cheer, and then would pull her hand away and go do something else. What a little bugger!
Another exciting thing happened this weekend . . . Emily got 2 new teeth!!! This brings the grand total to 5 teeth!!!!!!! She has 4 on the bottom and 1 on the top. Now her mouth is a very dangerous place for fingers. It is not recommended to let her get a hold on your finger for any reason. You never know when it may end up in that mouth.
"Grandpa, I just got that block out of the last tower. Don't you remember that I want to play with this one?"
"Let me just finish this chapter, Grandpa, then I'll knock that tower over."
"Hi, Auntie Mandy! Look, I just knocked another tower over!!"
"Grandpa, don't you want to build anymore towers?"
This video is titled "The Tower Tipper-Over."
Emily indulged Grandpa Jerry just long enough to tip over the tower he had built, and then she went back to her book. The video run time is 6 seconds.
This video is titled "The Tower Tipping Tease."
Grandpa Jerry continued to build towers for Emily to knock down. Sometimes she did, and sometimes she just pretended that she was going to. Tricky little girl!! The video run time is 2 minutes, 3 seconds. We would like to add that no Emilys were harmed in the making of this video.
Emily wanted to send all of her fans a message:
(Don't ask us, she never tells us what she's writing.)
vfeerg'ergg regijeg ge'qaigf epjug aeig peru pru erug ghpe4e eir perhel;afjerg;h4e5i vs!
We're not sure how comfortable we are knowing that these 2 have their own language.
JSKSKOoej234909sjl: jldsfjoasurEJLEOjodfjlfd ; ;''asdflaowe 348038403fjZZZZa99ijl490jalfl. jflasjdoweruajr.aflajo. jfoaBBBEROU;k fajldfosdrullkjljdfajsd ...fksflaj
Ha Ha Ha! You are so funny! ca;oirgG Wrei reoi earj wgtuerpujg epgh a gpdejge!
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