Friday, December 29, 2006

More of the Same

To be brutally honest I don't have much to say tonight, all of you in the peanut gallery can stop laughing. Today Joseph had his seventh surgery and it looks like tomorrow will be his eighth. Dr Statter removed another 26 cm of bowel today, 10.25" which brings our total to 22.75". She says he still has enough bowel left, but lets face it this kid is running out of guts. On a lighter note, my sister Sandy was concerned that following his splenectomy (spleen spleen spleen) he would have difficulties in life when angry due to his inablility to "vent" his spleen (wheee, spleen spleen spleen). Well there is good news! Joseph still has a small auxillary spleen (spleen spleen spleen). So, when angry or annoyed, he will just have to vent his small auxillary spleen (OK, that is almost as much fun to say as spleen, spleen spleen spleen!). I find that in situations such as this you find the silver linings where you can (small auxillary spleen small auxillary spleen small auxillary spleen ).

In an effort to pander to my audience who may be looking for "cute" amid all the medical mumbo jumbo and spleen (spleen spleen spleen) talk. Here are more pictures of the cuter every day EMILY!!!!


Anonymous said...

Steve and Christa,
Thank you very much for sharing your experiences this way. Please know that my parents and sisters and Roger and Brett are all reading and praying for you too. My friend Charlotte has a daugher (Claire) who was born with congenital defects (missing genetic material) who has undergone many surgeries since she was born on Sept 23 of 05. She too received amazing care from Children's Hospital. I saw her yesterday and she will be praying for you all as well.

with much love from,
Teresa and Roger

Gwyneth said...

My husband and I are both reading and praying for you daily. Hope all is well and if you need anything, let us know! May God bless you as you ring in the new year!
much love,
gwyn and joe

Anonymous said...

Emily is beautiful! What a cuty!

Melisa of the CatHerders