Yesterday, Emily had her third doctor's appointment. Emily's doctor was very happy with how she is growing and her overall health and development. Emily was not happy with the doctor; however, as this was the appointment when she recieved her vaccinations (which came in the form of one oral, which she didn't mind, and four shots, which she did mind).
The really big news we discovered at this appointment is just how big Emily is, as she approaches the ripe old age of two months (this big day is on Valentine's Day). I suppose that I could just break the suspense right now and tell you how big she is, but that wouldn't be any fun and let's face it, you know I am going to have fun with this. . .
The following things weigh more than Emily: African Elephant, 8000 lbs; Volkswagon Beetle, 1786 lbs; Statue of Liberty, 450,000 lbs; Freight Train, 16,000,000 lbs (that one is for Grandpa); a Newfoundland dog, 130 - 150 lbs; a million one dollar bills, 2200 lbs (though I suppose the weight would be the same regardless of denomination); Emily's stroller, 19 lbs; Emily's car seat with the base, 12.64 lbs.
Some things that weigh less than Emily: Toy poodle, 5 - 7 lbs; gallon of water, 8.34 lbs; one dollar bill, .002205 lbs; ream of 8.5 x 11 paper (ream, ream, ream!!!), 5 lbs; hockey puck, 6 oz; "C" battery, 2.36 oz; cup of sugar, 7 oz; Emily's car seat without the base, 7.24 lbs.
So now you are probably wondering what Emily weighs. I just want to take a moment to discuss how rude you are being by inquiring what a woman's weight is, I mean really, how would you like it if the entire world could find out how much you weigh just by looking on the internet. That's right, you wouldn't think it was so terrific, and here you are chomping at the bit to find out how big this sweet innocent little girl is. This also smacks of a violation of the HIPAA rules. . . did Emily consent to this invasion of her privacy? Well, I guess none of that really matters, Emily weighs, drumroll please............... 10 lbs 5 oz!!
Now you are probably wondering how long, or "tall" is Emily? Well that question is best answered photographically...
She is about the same height as her Grandma Kathy's antique radio.
She is not quite tall enough to reach the table while sitting on a chair.
She is taller than a sewing machine.
She is taller than this little lady.
She is smaller than one of Auntie Mandy's shoes. . .
. . . but taller than the Eiffel Tower.
She is also much taller than a can of Canada Dry Ginger Ale.
Now that we've put everything into perspective, she is 22.25 inches tall (almost 2 feet, well, not Auntie Mandy's feet).
But you forgot to say that she is STILL the cutest baby ever! And she just keeps getting cuter!
I have a confirmed case of Emilyitis! Grandma Kathy's right - cute, cute cute!!!
Great-Aunt Kate
She is most certainly cute. I see she was checking out the sewing machine. I bet she was planning her next craft project. We know how much she loves doing crafts.
Aunt Susie
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