Thursday, November 29, 2007

Another Busy Weekend

So here we are again, seriously behind in our blogging. I wish I could say that there is a good reason, or even that it won't happen again, but to be honest, I can't. I am not going to make excuses, mostly because there aren't any good ones, but I will get moving and start telling this story.

What is now several weeks ago, Emily had another big weekend. Not only was her Grandpa Jerry in town for a visit, but we were also going to a letterboxing event in Chicago. Emily was very excited about both of these things, and so were Christa & I. Emily got to spend Friday evening playing with her Grandpa, who was very happy to see her, and also amazed at how big she had gotten since his last visit. The two of them fell right into their old routine, Grandpa builds Emily a tower, and Emily knocks it down. There was also lots of tickling, laughing, hugging, and snuggling. All in all, I would say that Emily enjoyed her time with Grandpa.

On Saturday afternoon, Christa, Emily & I all jumped in the Vue, and headed into Chicago for a very special Letterboxing event. This wasn't any old event, this was a Letterboxing Wedding. Two of our letterboxing friends will be getting married in the spring and they wanted to have a special get together for all of their letterboxing friends. It was really a great time. The whole event was held indoors, and there were stamps hidden all over the room. Lots of the letterboxers we have gotten to know were there, and we spent some time catching up. There were even a couple of boxers from Washington state, who were in Chicago on business, and decided to attend their very first event. We had a really great time, and Emily had a blast, she just loves to people watch and a lot of people were stopping by to say hello to her.

So there you have it, one post closer to catching up, but I have said that before haven't I? Check this space tomorrow for what I hope will be another post, till then . . .

"Come on, Mommy & Daddy, I'm all ready to go! Let's get moving! Hurry up!"

Emily thought that her bunny should guard all of the pop tabs that we collected for the Ronald McDonald House. (Thanks, Fungus Woman!)

We all gathered together to celebrate the up-coming wedding of Atom 118 & Coffee Beans. (Or, the soon to be Atomic Beans.)

Letterboxing history in the making . . . Tonto is stamping into a logbook!

The happy couple, Atom 118 & Coffee Beans.

"Grandpa, don't worry. I see your tower. I'll knock it down as soon as I finish looking at this book."

"I'm such a big girl now, I can climb up onto the fireplace all by myself!"

"Grandpa, are you watching me? I can climb up here all by myself!"

"Hey, look! There's a really cute baby in the window. I think we could be friends!"

"How do I get this door open? I want to go meet that cute baby."

"Shania, could you please help me get this door open?"

"Oh, never mind. I'll go push my car around the kitchen instead."

. . . and here's the pitch . . . Grandpa Jerry just hit what could be, it might be . . .

. . . it is! A Home Run! Holy Cow!

"OK, Grandpa. I want you to look at this. Do you see this orange thing? This is a pumpkin. I think Auntie Mandy needs to get her eyes checked because she keeps calling me a little pumpkin face. I think she thinks that I look like this big orange thing."

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Grandpa's getting me!"

"It's so much fun when people get me! I get to have lots of hugs and kisses!"

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