Thursday, January 11, 2007

They Grow Up So Fast

We finally decided on a local pediatrician office the other day, and yesterday was Emily's first appointment. I have to say that we enjoyed this visit much better than our last. We really liked the people there and Emily managed to add to her growing fan club. The nurses all instantly fell in love with her and could not stop saying just how beautiful she is, all we could do was agree (let's face it, she's gorgeous).

I am guessing that by now you may be wondering just how big the little bugger is. I have to say that it is rude to discuss a ladies weight especially in public, I mean really. Not one to care how rude it is, I will tell you, just don't let Emily know. Just shy of the 1 month mark, Emily weighs 7lbs 8 oz and is now 20" long. She has put on 2 1/2lbs and grown 1 1/4" since leaving the hospital. I am sure all that weight is muscle mass as she is able to hold up her noggin', and when provided the balance, can stand on her own two feet.

I think now is the best time to talk about some of her other personality traits. Emily does fantastic impressions, especially her "Elvis" (thank you, thank you very much.) She does a great Stevie Wonder, without all the singing and piano playing. She smiles at her Daddy, but for Grandpa it's just gas. She likes Daddy's scratchy chin, but not his hairy chest. In fact, she hates his hairy chest so much she is removing the hair by the handful (oooowwwwww!!). She does not like being burped, so she frequently "fakes" it by grunting. She likes to bop her Aunt Susie in the nose. She is quite the night owl, preferring to sleep all day and party all night. She enjoys riding in the car, but not being put in the car seat, often protesting by refusing to bend.

Today, Daddy gave Emily a bath for the first time (Not her first bath, just the first time Daddy administered the torture.). She enjoyed it so much she screamed the whole time, and turned a lovely shade of red, then purple. Daddy feels terrible about this, and has promised Emily that she can stay dirty from now on. He will also never trim her nails again, so this kid is going to get very interesting very fast.

Emily will be attending her first letterboxing gathering very soon and she is very excited. She is working on a trailname and stamp, but no decisions have been made.

In an effort to keep you from getting bored, here are some more pictures of the Amazing, Beautiful, yet Humble, Emily.

Like Daddy, Like Daughter. Christa caught us napping one day in the exact same position.

Another one of Emily's personality traits is that she can wiggle her way out of ANYTHING! We put her in sleepers and sleep sacks to keep her feet warm, and when we wake up, this is what we find. She can also wiggle her hands out of the "mittens" that fold over her hands that are built into some of these same sleepers and sleep sacks. If we put a hat on her head, she has it off in approximately 2.3 seconds. For a kid that loves to be snuggly and warm, she sure has an aversion to the necessary equpment to provide her with warmth.



Lisa said...

Your sweet Emily is adorable!

We're thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

I can't beleive it!
Emily and I do the same things!!! Except as a baby in my case i was squeezing INTO things. And it's not just me! Gradma and Sandy and I
All sleep with our feet sticking out of he covers, she gets her foot out of the sleeper. Its a family trait!!!

Anonymous said...

As I tried to say in a post the other night, if Emily is such a night owl, she can come and hang out with me. We can eat chocolate and I will give her more advice on how to plague her father...
Aunt S