Friday, June 22, 2007

How Big Is The Kid?

As I alluded to at the end of the Father's Day post, Emily had another doctor's appointment on Monday. Those of you who have been reading the blog regularly know that this post will be an examination of things that are bigger and smaller than Emily and also things that weigh more or less than she does. Before I get to that though, lets discuss how Emily is doing according to the doctor. In a word, she is GREAT! The doctor was impressed with her growth, her strength, her teeth, her demeanor, and overall cuteness. Emily also received three more shots in this appointment, something she was less than excited about, in a preemptive retaliatory strike she trashed the office, as this picture shows. With the business out of the way, lets have some fun.

How much does Emily weigh? Before I can answer that let me tell you about some things that weigh more than Emily: Joseph's Bear, 80 lbs., Cement Truck (fully loaded), 70,000 lbs, Giraffe, 3,000 lbs. Something that weighs less than Emily, 15 pounds of feathers. Something that weighs roughly the same as Emily, a bowling ball. Emily officially weighs in at . . . drum roll please . . . 16.1 lbs!!!!

By now you must be asking yourself, "Self, how big is a 16.1 lb Emily?" Lucky for you I can answer that question. First, let's discuss things that are bigger and smaller than Emily: Mount Rushmore, 5,725 ft; the Washington Monument, 555 ft; the Millennium Force roller coaster in Cedar Point, 310 ft; a Cicada, 1 - 2 in; Emily's pink Crocs, 4.25 in; Christa's pink Crocs, 10.5 in; Auntie Mandy's pink Crocs, bigger than can be accurately be measured. So how big is Emily, she is 27 INCHES LONG!!! That is right, this little kid is growing like a weed. She is in the 75th - to 90th percentile for height and she is in the 50th percentile for weight. Overall she is just terrific.

We have a pretty big weekend planned and I can't wait to tell you about it, so until Monday...

Emily relaxing on top of Auntie Mandy's pink croc, laying next to Mommy's pink croc, holding her own pink croc.

Below is a VIDEO of Emily redecorating the doctor's office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Emily (AKA the Little Mermaid) and Daddy (AKA the Sea King) had a wonderful Father's Day weekend complete with splish-splash, irresistable grins and much fun! Pink Monkey reminds us of Mommy's Curious George :) and we loved the close-up of those pearly-whites!! Crunch, chomp, chew!!! xoxo, Aunt Kate and Uncle Ron