Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So, How's Dem Kids Doin'?

Hello again my friends, this is going to be a really short blog. I am just going to hit the high points and let you all get on with your day. I won't be blathering on and on and on making very little sense and never getting to the point. I am just going to post really quickly, throw in some pictures and call it a day. Yup, that is what I am going to do, just to save everyone a little bit of time. You can all thank me later, because I know you will really appreciate such a short, to the point, post from me for once. (Hey look...there's Emi saying Hi to Meghan!)

So here we go. . .

If you remember from my last post, the triplets had just been born, Elizabeth & Charlie were on CPAP, and Meghan was doing just fine on her own. The babies are now a couple of days old and much has changed. Charlie & Lizzie were off the CPAP after only eighteen hours and most of that was spent on "room air" and only used the CPAP to keep the airway open. During that eighteen hour stretch Megabella continued breathing on her own and is doing quite well. The doctor told us that based solely on size, the kiddos would be able to go home, but they still have some maturing to do. Right now the three of them are learning how to suck, swallow, and digest their food. Charlie is doing the best in that regard, as he is eating the most and was the first to start using the bottle for his feedings. The girls are lagging behind a little, but should be on the bottle by tomorrow. So far, everyone is very pleased with their progress. We have been cautioned to expect the occasional set back after gains have been made. It is a learning process after all.

So there you go, that is the basics for right now. Christa came home today (sort of) and is feeling much better.

So now, without anymore ado, pictures . . .

Lizzie playing with her hands.

(Emily always had her hands clenched tight, in little white-knuckled fists...Lizzie likes her hands to be extended and wiggles her fingers constantly.)

Charlie....just chillin' usual.

Auntie Mandy happily assists in Meghan's gravity feeding.

Mommy, cuddling Lizzie after she had just finished her own gravity-fed dinner.
(Lizzie's dinner, not Mommy's)

Look at little sweet!

Charlie...back in his "clam shell."

A very tired "Big Sister" takes a nap in the extra bed in Mommy's room.

1 comment:

Aunt S said...

Hey, I think Lizzie wants to be a puppeteer!