All of that being said, let's talk about Emily. Those of you keeping track may have realized that Sunday (June 14th) was Emily's half birthday. Christa and I thought that since Emily had been suffering for our attention between hospital visits and work, she deserved a day with us, all to herself. So after a very brief visit to the Trips to deliver clean clothes, blankets and such, we went out for a special breakfast. Following some delicious chocolate chip pancakes and hash browns, it was time for a trip to the zoo. Emily got to see the Butterfly exhibit, which she sort of enjoyed, she got to ride on the tram (which she calls the choo-choo) around the zoo, she got to play on one of her favorite playgrounds, she got to see the monkeys, and she got to ride the tram some more. After the zoo, it was time to visit the Greats, which Emily also enjoyed. From there, it was on to Mama & Papa Choo Choo's house to have a half birthday dinner, complete with cake. All in all, a pretty good day for a little girl who had been missing her Mommy and Daddy.
So here we are at the new cast members, what have they been up to since Saturday. . .
Meghan: Megabella has been doing very well since Saturday. She started really feeding well on Sunday, and by Wednesday was on cue feedings, which means she tells them when she wants to eat and can have as much as she long as she has at least 100 mL every eight hours. She has been averaging 65 mL every 3 1/2 to 4 hours. She may very well have her NG tube pulled tomorrow. After losing a few ounces she is now over her birth weight.
Charles: Charlie slipped backwards after his strong start and was not taking the bottle; he was therefore getting everything by NG tube. He has since started taking all of his food by mouth. He is taking 40 mL every 3 hours and may be going to cue feedings soon, if he keeps it up. He is also gaining weight very well, and is over his birth weight.
Elizabeth: Lizzie is a whole other story. She has been rocking and rolling since starting bottle feeding. She started cue feeding on Sunday night and did that very well all day on Monday. Tuesday, she had continued cue feeding and gained weight, so they removed her NG tube right before her 12:30 pm feeding. She continued to go strong, so on Wednesday, Lizzie took a very big step...she did the Car Seat Challenge (insert trumpet fanfare here). If she could pass this test, we could bring her home!
WE TOOK HER HOME!!!!!!!!!!
That's right...the first Trip is home, and we are very excited!! Megabella is on track to come home soon, and Charlie is showing signs of waking up.
There you go, lots of news in one little post, here are some pictures and we will talk again soon. . .
Yay, Lizzie!
I feel so bad for you that your cheeks are so red from the tape holding your tube in place. I hope that gets better soon, little girl.
Lizzie's first close-up without her NG tube in!! Her cheeks look better already!
At the hospital for Lizzie's Big Day...Daddy & Emily say a quick hello to Meghan first.
Lizzie, are you ready for your test?
Emily keeps herself occupied with her baby doll and her polar bear.
Emily checks out Charlie's name sign...she was making sure that all of the name signs were properly secured to the bassinet shelves. What a good big sister!
Melanie puts Lizzie into her car seat for the big Car Seat Test prior to Lizzie's discharge.
Lizzie, all snuggled into her car seat for her test.
Go, Lizzie, Go!! You can do it, kiddo!
Having passed her car seat test, and all dressed in her "going home" outfit, Lizzie says goodbye to Meghan (at least until Meghan comes home herself).
"OK, Charlie, you need to hurry up and get used to the whole eating by yourself thing so that you can come home too."
That's a lot of carseat for such a little baby!
Yea!!!!! Lizzie is home!!! You go girl! Maybe your pep talk for the other two will get them home soon.
Emily is such a good big sister.
Aunt Susie & Uncle Carl
Oh my I was crying before I even finished Lizzies section... CONGRATULATIONS! and for Emily HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY! I also am a big one to point out half birthdays here in my home. My husband just doesn't get it, but he doesn't work with children every day. You are a big girl and what a good girl, I'm so glad daddy included pictures of you playing in the hosptial. Its very comforting to see you there and so comfortable near your little brother and sisters. What a special girl you are.
MI Girl
Blessings everywhere! Aunt Kate loves butterflies - and is very glad that Emily bravely looked closely at one herself - bugs can be sort of scary, can't they sweetie? Kisses and hugs to Lizzie - it is so nice to see her at home with Mommy, Daddy and Big Sister. We are sending "pep talk wishes" to Charlie and Meghan and know that they will soon be home, too. Love to all,
Aunt Kate and Uncle Ron
Sarah would like to quote Aunt Sandy to you, Lizzie, especially in reference to that last picture: "Never eat anything bigger than your head!"
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