Thursday, December 27, 2007

Another Round Of Arts 'n Crafts!

So, a few blogs ago (the birthday party blog, to be exact) we promised to come back to explain the hand and footprints that you could see on the tablecloth. [No, for those of you who thought you had it figured out, I'm not pregnant again.] We had another round of Arts 'n Crafts with Emily!! Emily loves Arts 'n Crafts!!

Grandma Kathy found the perfect tablecloth to use for Emily's party and we decided that it would be fun to start a new family tradition using this tablecloth. We decided that every year we would have Emily add another hand print to the tablecloth. We also bought a fabric marker and I will sign her name for the first few years, but once she learns how to sign her own name, she will do the writing. This way we can see the progression in her growth and penmanship over the years.

We bought some white fabric paint, stripped Emily down to her onesie (She does have a reputation for being messy during arts 'n crafts!), washed her hands, and began the process of creating the first hand print on the new tablecloth. We decided that since it was Emily's 1st Birthday, and the beginning of the tradition, we would make it even more special . . . we would do both hands and her feet!

I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story from this point on. Enjoy!

"Mommy, why are you putting this chilly white stuff on my hand?"

"Auntie Mandy, what are Mommy & Grandma up to? I'm only wearing my onesie, and now I have this white stuff all over my hand!"

"OK, Emily, put your hand like this."

"OK, Grandma, am I doing it right?"

"Good job on your first hand print, Emily. You did a very good job. Now hold still and let me paint your other hand. Good job, Sweetie. You are such a good girl!"

"Mommy, this stuff is kind of sticky. Are we almost done?"

"OK, Emily. Put your other hand down just like the first one. GOOD JOB!"

"OK, Emily. Now we just have to do your feet! You're doing such a good job!"

"Put your foot right here. Good Girl!!"

"This is the last footprint, and then we'll get you all cleaned up. You did such a good job on your arts 'n crafts project, Emily! We're proud of you."

Check out our finished product!


Anonymous said...

That's probably good practice for the Walk of Fame.

Anonymous said...

Grandma Kathy's legacy of creativity sure is evident in both Emily and Mommy! (And those loooong legs are sure to provide lots of girl-power for running this spring!! Go Emily!!)