Friday, December 14, 2007

Our Little Cupcake Just Turned ONE!

Those of you keeping track will know that on Friday the 14th, Emily hit her biggest milestone yet. . . she turned 1 Year Old!! There really is quite a bit to talk about for this major event, and we will actually be doing it over two blogs. After these two blogs, we will most likely travel back in time to catch up on everything that has happened between 11 months and one year. I am going to fill this blog with a list of all the special things that Emily has accomplished in the last year.

I will start with some of Emily's most recent accomplishments. Emily is quite adept at standing now, and does this every chance she gets, except of course when you want her to. She has gotten so good at standing, in fact, she can do it unsupported. Unfortunately as soon as she takes a step, gravity takes over. She has not yet learned how to get herself to a standing position without the aide of something to pull herself up on. Emily has also increased her tooth total to nine, with the appearance of her very first molar. We are sure that others will soon follow. In fact, they may already be here, but she really won't let me check, and if she is unwilling to let me, I am not sticking my finger in there. She jabbers constantly and also laughs all the time, not just little giggles mind you, but full blown guffaws; her whole body laughs. I have to say, of all the things she does now, the laughing is my favorite; it will brighten ANY day. And most importantly, she's finally had her first bite of chocolate cake!!

Now on to the collective total of things Emily can do: crawl at an award winning pace, wave "hi" and "goodbye," hot wire a riding lawn mower, open cabinets with her bare hands, direct airplanes to land on the appropriate runways, redecorate any room within about 5 minutes, collect shoes (usually not her own), parallel park an 18 wheeler while blindfolded, put her own arms into her sleeves when you're getting her dressed, cut down a giant redwood using only a hatchet, "cruise" around furniture, wrap Daddy around her finger with a single smile, say "teeko-teeko" (which we translate to tickle-tickle) and do so every time she says this, tame lions, open drawers, play peek-a-boo, run the Chicago Marathon, ride a tiger bare-back, grab a pair of glasses and whip them off your face in the same movement, dance the fox trot, make an entire bowl of peas disappear, and she can laugh, scream, yawn, blow raspberries, etc . . . all with her pacifier still in her mouth! Lastly, she can charm every single person she meets.

There's the list of what Emily can do, now that she's 1 Year Old! Watch this space for details on Emily's blowout birthday bash. (With any luck, very soon.)

"Look, a polar bear. He looks just like Hudson!"

"This polar bear has very soft ears."

"Would you like a candy cane?"

"I'm having soooo much fun!"

"I'm standing all by myself!"


Anonymous said...

Your little Princess is perfect!! (and not only does she have her Daddy enraptured with her, you should hear Grandpa Jerry brag about her to Uncle Ron!!)

Anonymous said...

You let her chop down a redwood!?!? That is terrible! Do you know how long it takes to grow a redwood?

Anonymous said...

I suppose I should have explained this first to avoid any concern. Emily is very environmentally aware and a real lover of nature and the natural beauty of open spaces. It was with a heavy heart that she cut down that tree, but she did it to save the forest FOR the trees. The redwood in question had contracted a new, rare, dangerous, drug resistant form of Dutch Elm Disease, now named Super Resiliant Giant Redwood Disease. After efforst to transplant the tree to an isolated island to live out the rest of its life proved impossible it was decided to have Emily cut it down before it could infect the ENTIRE Redwood forest. So there you go, the whole story.

Anonymous said...

I am relieved to hear it.